Thursday, May 17, 2012

I LOVE MY JOB!! Happy BELATED Nurses Week!

I have been in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) for almost 6 months now and OMG I absolutely LOVE these little people!!! It's so rewarding to care for such tiny little miracles :)

I found this cute little drawing on that shows the type of preemies that I care for:

Cute badge clip!! I wonder where I can get one from??

Here are some pictures I drew on the white boards for my precious little ones!! I secretly can draw, which is something that no one really knows about... well I guess until now! (My brother has always been the "artist" of the family!!)

The parents LOVE these and I get requests to draw pictures all the time. This is what makes me proud to work there, seeing the joy on their faces!!

Oh and here is a picture that my brother drew!! Can you say TALENTED! He saw Cassie (the singer) on TV and drew her to a "tee." He also has his own comics strips that he drew himself, which I will show you guys as soon as I go back home and get my hands on them, lol! Love you bro!

I know nurses week was last week but I still want to say a Happy Belated Nurses Week to all nurses!! It truly takes someone who loves this profession to deal with what you have to deal with on a daily bases! ...I'm thinking there needs to be a pay increase!

...And this pic says it all!! SO TRUE!!!

Love you guys!!


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